How to Write Killer Prompts for Your GPT Chatbot

Solving Academic Challenges

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How to Write Killer Prompts for Your GPT Chatbot

What’s up guys, Dev and Muzzammil here.

We are committed to helping thousands of students like yourself use AI to solve their problems by working smart, not hard 😉 

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85% of all AI Projects Fail, but AE Studio Delivers

If you have a big idea and think AI should be part of it, meet AE.

We’re a development, data science and design studio working with founders and execs on custom software solutions. We turn AI/ML ideas into realities–from chatbots to NLP and more.

Tell us about your visionary concept or work challenge and we’ll make it real. The secret to our success is treating your project as if it were our own startup.

Here’s how to turbocharge your academic journey!

  1. Student AI Tool of the Week: Stealthwriter

    Stealthwriter is an AI detection tool that claims to bypass AI content detection tools to allow users to create human-written, high-quality content in just a few clicks.

    - It guarantees plagiarism-free

    - Undetectable results

    -Saving busy professionals time

  2. ChatGPT prompt of the Week: "Guidelines for Writing Effective GPT Prompts"

    Chatbots have become an increasingly popular means of interaction, thanks, in part, to the recent boom in AI bots’ popularity.

    1. Define the Conversation Context
    Just think about exactly what you want to GPT to generate or achieve, and provide it with the prompt that’s most likely to get there.
    2. Be as Specific as Possible Be as Specific as Possible
    Vague or ambiguous prompts might lead to your GPT bot hallucinating, or simply producing an outcome that’s not what you were expecting or which doesn’t meet your expectations.


    3. Take Turns
    If you’re using GPT to perform a task for you, like writing a piece of text or doing research on a topic, you can take multiple turns in your prompts. So instead of asking for everything all at once, you can create a back-and-forth exchange that keeps building on the bot’s previous response.

    4. Incorporate User Context
    Incorporating user context in your prompts can enhance the personalization and relevance of the conversation.

    5. Provide Examples
    We didn’t do this for our chatbot, but a great tip is to include examples of what you are or are not looking for so that GPT can come up with a more accurate response. This helps it understand your expectations more clearly.

    6. Test and Iterate

    Even though there are tips and strategies you can follow, crafting prompts for a GPT chatbot is an iterative process. So before you set it out in the wild, you should test and tweak it as needed.

    In this relatively recent world of GPT chatbots, well-crafted prompts can make the difference between being successful in your GPT business strategy and needing help to keep up with the technology.

  3. Student Founder Spotlight: Evertsson Norrevik


    Evertsson Norrevik says he became hooked on AI when he learned about DeepMind’s board game-playing system AlphaGo and began learning to write Python (a popular programming language for AI systems) when he was around 11. Then, when ChatGPT was released in late 2022, he began thinking seriously about creating something with the technology.

    “I was like, ‘Oh my God, this is really cool. I want to build something with this,” he says. He got the idea for Roster AI after being impressed with a customer service chatbot on Amazon, which seemed far superior to other e-commerce sites’ offerings.

[ Announcement: If you’re interested in business, join our community here ]

The main goal here is to help students by equipping them to ethically use AI to complement their work and improve the output.

We genuinely believe in the power of AI to transform education and society as a whole, and we're here to guide you every step of the way.

Anyways welcome to Student AI Toolkit!

We look forward to future editions and hearing your feedback 😊10- B


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