How Do I Use Gpt for My Assignments?

Step-by-Step Outline for Using GPT to Enhance Your Assignment

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Student AI Toolkit #15: “Guidelines to use GPT for Assignments”

What’s up guys, Dev and Biruk here.

We are committed to helping thousands of students like yourself use AI to solve their problems by working smart, not hard 😉 

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Here’s how to turbocharge your academic journey!

  1. Student AI Tool of the Week:

 helps students succeed with AI. Otter provides faculty and students with real-time captions and notes for in-person and virtual lectures, classes, or meetings. It is an absolute lifesaver for anyone who's ever been tasked with the unenviable task of transcribed interviews, events, or meetings.


  2. ChatGPT prompt of the Week: "How Do I Use GPT for My Assignments?"

    Step-by-Step Outline

    1. Initial Preparation
       Gather Your Assignment: Have your assignment text ready in a digital format (e.g., Word document, Google Docs, plain text).

      Identify Specific Areas: Be clear about the sections or parts of the assignment you want to improve.

    2. Setting Up the Prompt: Create a clear and specific prompt for GPT to understand the task.

      Example prompt template:
      I have a [subject] assignment that I'd like to enhance. Can you help me improve it? Here are a few specific areas I'd like to focus on:

    3. Input the Assignment into GPT:
      Break your assignment into manageable sections (e.g., introduction, methods, results, discussion) and input these into GPT along with your prompt.

    4. Enhancing Engagement: Request GPT to make the introduction and conclusion more engaging and improve the overall tone.

      Example prompts:

      Please make the following introduction more engaging for the reader in my [subject] assignment:

      [Paste introduction text]

    Final Review

    Read Through Entire Assignment:

    After applying all the improvements, read through the entire assignment to ensure consistency and coherence.

  3. Student Founder Spotlight: Vladimir Ignatyev


    Ignatyev (21) is currently studying Law LLB at the University of London, having started The Power of Music (POM) in 2019, alongside recent Cardiff graduate and CEO Vihan Patel. POM is “the dating app for music lovers”, and seeks to form meaningful connections between people based on their shared tastes in music. It’s driven by the belief that music is one of the most accurate indicators of who we are.

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The main goal here is to help students by equipping them to ethically use AI to complement their work and improve the output.

We genuinely believe in the power of AI to transform education and society as a whole, and we're here to guide you every step of the way.

Anyways welcome to Student AI Toolkit!

We look forward to future editions and hearing your feedback 😊 How Do I Use Chat Gpt for My Assignments?


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