Student AI Toolkit #8: Self Study Made Easier

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Student AI Toolkit #8: Self Study Made Easier

What’s up guys, Dev and Muzzammil here.

We are committed to helping thousands of students like yourself use AI to solve their problems by working smart, not hard 😉 

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Here’s how to turbocharge your academic journey!

  1. Student AI Tool of the Week: TutorAI

    TutorAI is your ultimate academic companion, combining the power of AI with personalized tutoring to help you excel in your studies. From personalized lesson plans to real-time feedback, TutorAI is here to guide you every step of the way.

  2. ChatGPT prompt of the Week: "Essay Writing"


    "I have to write an essay for my [Course Name] class about [Your Topic]. This essay needs to cover these main things:

    1. Background and Context: Talk about the history and why [Your Topic] is important.

    1. What's Happening Now: Explain what's going on with [Your Topic] today, like the problems or debates people are having.

    1. Big Ideas and Ways of Thinking: Tell me about the main ideas and ways people study [Your Topic].

    1. Examples: Give me some real-life stories or examples that show why [Your Topic] is important.

    1. My Own Thoughts: Say what I think about [Your Topic], using all the stuff I talked about before.

    I need help with:

    • Making a Plan: Help me organize my essay so it makes sense.

    • Finding Good Sources: Tell me where to look for good information about [Your Topic].

    • Understanding Hard Stuff: Explain the complicated ideas about [Your Topic] in an easy way.

    • Starting Strong: Help me write a good first paragraph that tells people what my essay is about.

    • Not Messing Up: Tell me what mistakes other people make so I don't make them.

    Also, I want to talk about what other people think about [Specific Aspect of Topic]. Can you help me do that well?

    Lastly, I want to make sure my essay is honest and interesting. Can you give me some tips on that?"

    This will make sure my essay is clear, interesting, and gets good marks."


  3. Founder Spotlight: Daniel Habib

    Founder of, Daniel Habib is an Ex-Meta engineer where he worked on Live Video infrastructure and virtual reality.

    He is self-taught and has spent over 10 years as an engineer on different media products.

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The main goal here is to help students by equipping them to ethically use AI to complement their work and improve the output.

We genuinely believe in the power of AI to transform education and society as a whole, and we're here to guide you every step of the way.

Anyways welcome to Student AI Toolkit!

We look forward to future editions and hearing your feedback 😊 


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