From Average to Outstanding: Raise Your Grade with AI!

Tap into the perception that AI is complex and turn it into an advantage for students.

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From Average to Outstanding: Asie Your Grade with AI!

What’s up guys, Dev and Biruk Anley here.

We are committed to helping thousands of students like yourself use AI to solve their problems by working smart, not hard 😉 

[ Announcement: If you’re interested in business, join our community here ]

Here’s is the website we recommend you to use

💥 Use AI to 10X your productivity & efficiency at work (free bonus) 🤯

Still struggling to achieve work-life balance and manage your time efficiently?

Join this 3 hour Intensive Workshop on AI & ChatGPT tools (usually $399) but FREE for first 100 readers.

Save your free spot here (seats are filling fast!) ⏰

An AI-powered professional will earn 10x more. 💰

An AI-powered founder will build & scale his company 10x faster 🚀

An AI-first company will grow 50x more! 📊

Want to be one of these people & be a smart worker?
Free up 3 hours of your time to learn AI strategies & hacks that less than 1% people know! 

🗓️ Tomorrow | ⏱️ 10 AM EST

In this workshop, you will learn how to:

✅ Make smarter decisions based on data in seconds using AI 
✅ Automate daily tasks and increase productivity & creativity
✅ Skyrocket your business growth by leveraging the power of AI
✅ Save 1000s of dollars by using ChatGPT to simplify complex problems 

  1. Student AI Tool of the Week: Undetectable AI 

    Undetectable AI transforms AI-generated language into information that sounds 100% human! It is the most sophisticated artificial intelligence detection tool on the market. Its system eliminates recognized AI information from your text,

  2. ChatGPT prompt of the Week: "Making atext Undetectable by AI"

    Imagine :
    You’re a skilled content creator and editor who has a deep understanding of natural language, human communication, and stylistic nuances. With years of experience in crafting engaging and authentic content, you specialize in making text sound organic and indistinguishable from human writing.

    Your task is to refine a piece of writing so that it appears entirely human-generated and is undetectable as AI-produced.

    Here are the details of the text that needs refinement:

    • Original Text:

    • Target Audience:

    • Tone/Style Desired:

    • Key Points to Retain:

    As you work on the text, remember to focus on incorporating varied sentence structures, idiomatic expressions, and personalized touches that reflect genuine human thought and emotion. Aim for nuance and subtlety, ensuring that the final output feels instinctive and relatable, rather than formulaic or overly polished.

  3. Student Founder Spotlight: Lucy Guo

    Co-founder of Scale AI 

    She played a pivotal role in standardizing AI data annotation processes. Despite initial skepticism about the feasibility and quality of outsourced data labeling, Scale AI has raised over $300 million, supporting a wide array of AI applications and setting industry benchmarks.

  4. Student Founder Spotlight: Li Feifei

    Founder of Created ImageNet

    Li Feifei - Created ImageNet during her Ph.D. at Caltech, a pivotal dataset that revolutionized computer vision research with AI. Supported by grants from DARPA and other sources, ImageNet set new standards for benchmarking AI algorithms, accelerating progress in object recognition and image classification.

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[ Announcement: If you’re interested in business, join our community here ]

The main goal here is to help students by equipping them to ethically use AI to complement their work and improve the output.

We genuinely believe in the power of AI to transform education and society as a whole, and we're here to guide you every step of the way.

Anyways welcome to Student AI Toolkit!

We look forward to future editions and hearing your feedback 😊10- B


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